House of Languages

What is Nynorsk?​

House of Languages▸About us▸Our projects▸Exhibition on Latgalian and Nynorsk…▸ What is Nynorsk? What is Nynorsk? Norwegian (norsk) refers to two written languages: Bokmål (Danish origin) and Nynorsk (dialect based, mainly West coast area). In 1814 Norway gained its independence from Denmark and became a monarchy – in a union with Sweden. With this, Norway adopted its […]

Virtual exhibition about Latgalian and Nynorsk as a means of documenting lesser-used languages​

House of Languages▸About us▸Our projects▸Exhibition on Latgalian and Nynorsk…▸ Virtual exhibition about Latgalian… Virtual exhibition about Latgalian and Nynorsk as a means of documenting lesser-used languages The international seminar “Documentation of lesser-used languages for educational purposes” organized by the Latgalian cultural movement Volūda was held in Rēzekne, Latvia, on 1-4 May this year. The researchers and […]

Focus group discussions in Volda, Norway​

House of Languages▸About us▸Our projects▸Exhibition on Latgalian and Nynorsk…▸ Focus group discussions… Focus group discussions in Volda, Norway On Tuesday 13 September 2022 the Norwegian Museum of Written Culture presented the project Exhibition on Latgalian and Nynorsk: cooperation and experience creating modern digital solutions to a focus group at Volda High School. The 11 students study […]

Representatives from the oldest language museum in the world visit House of Languages​

House of Languages▸About us▸Our projects▸Exhibition on Latgalian and Nynorsk…▸ Representatives from the… Representatives from the oldest language museum in the world visit House of Languages Last week, on the 10th–12th of August, a three-day work seminar was held at House of Languages. During the seminar, representatives from the Norwegian Museum of Written Culture (Nynorsk kultursentrum) in […]

Working together for an inclusive Europe: the implementation of an ambitious project has begun​

House of Languages▸About us▸Our projects▸Exhibition on Latgalian and Nynorsk…▸ Working together for… Working together for an inclusive Europe: the implementation of an ambitious project has begun As a result of the project, an interactive virtual exhibition about Latgalian and Norwegian Nynorsk will be prepared within two years, intended for a wide audience, from high school students […]

Exhibition on Latgalian and Nynorsk: cooperation and experience creating modern digital solutions

House of Languages▸About us▸Our projects▸ Exhibition on Latgalian and Nynorsk… Exhibition on Latgalian and Nynorsk: cooperation and experience creating modern digital solutions Basic information Project description Organizations Project materials Project news Basic information Funded by: Fund for Bilateral Relations of the EEA and Norway grants 2014-2021 Funding: EUR 48,680.00 Implementation period: 24 August 2021-31 December 2023 Promoter […]

Rent our space

House of Languages▸ Rent our space Rent our space Bring your ideas to life in our space! Premises for rent at Avotu iela 33 We are sure that your seminar, meeting, lesson, concert, presentation or other event will feel just like home at our place, Avotu Street 33. What do we offer? a space for about […]

Our projects

House of Languages▸About us▸ Our projects Our projects House of Languages attracts both national and international funding for its projects. Each project is a small step towards our greatest aspirations! Thus far we have completed six projects (here described just some) and are implementing seven more: Cooperation and experience exchange within organising language festivals Funded Nordic […]

About us

House of Languages▸ About us About us We create new opportunities through language. In our everyday work, we explore and teach language in a broad, interdisciplinary way, identifying the political, psychological, and aesthetic importance of language. Our mission: To enact positive change through language. Our values: Openness.Openness to ideas, diversity of people, other viewpoints, specialists from […]

Translation services

Valodu māja▸ Translation services Translation services We, the managers and enthusiasts of House of Languages, wish to empower people creating a better life for themselves and others through language acquisition. This can be done in a number of ways. One of them is through translation services and a concern for the clarity and understandability of the […]