Linguapolis Physical Mini-Exhibition in Four Languages
House of Languages▸About us▸Our projects▸Exhibition on Latgalian and Nynorsk…▸ Linguapolis Physical… Linguapolis Physical Mini-Exhibition in Four Languages Since December 16, 2023, a small-scale Linguapolis exhibition has been open to visitors at the House of Languages. The exhibition will be available until the end of 2026 during the venue’s regular opening hours. In the summer of 2025 […]
Opening of the digital exhibition Linguapolis
House of Languages▸About us▸Our projects▸Exhibition on Latgalian and Nynorsk…▸ Opening of the digital… Opening of the digital exhibition Linguapolis On February 2, the digital exhibition “Linguapolis” was launched as part of the language festival “Avots.” The event was introduced by Snorre Karkonen Svenson, a board member of the Language Museum association and one of the key […]
The Swedish language festival, Svenska veckan, in Helsinki, Finland
House of Languages▸About us▸Our projects▸Cooperation and experience exchange…▸ The Swedish language… The Swedish language festival, Svenska veckan, in Helsinki, Finland The next stop in our learning journey was Finland, where the Swedish language festival, Svenska veckan took place. The festival is organized annually by the Swedish Assembly of Finland (Folktinget) and a lot of different events […]
Expanding and strengthening partnerships in language-related activities for more inclusive and knowledgeable society in the Nordic-Baltic region
House of Languages▸About us▸Our projects▸ Expanding and strengthening partnerships… Expanding and strengthening partnerships in language-related activities for more inclusive and knowledgeable society in the Nordic-Baltic region Funded by: Sweden-Latvia Cooperation Fund Implementation period: Year 2025 The aim of the project is to organise an experience exchange trip to meet with three Swedish organisations in the name […]
Spectres VIII
House of Languages▸For foreign publishers▸ Spectres ▸ Spectres VIII Spectres VIII I had taken care of all the formalities, pocketed my inheritance, and sold the house. I’d made the decision to move to the city. It’s exactly what I’d wanted to do a good while ago, but just when I had begun to make actual plans, […]
Death of a Hen
House of Languages▸For foreign publishers▸ Death of a Hen Death of a Hen Latgale is a region in Latvia, which has historically always been left out and separated from the rest of the country. It has its own struggles, as we all do, but the culture in Latgale is somewhat unique – and there is even […]
House of Languages▸For foreign publishers▸ Spectres Spectres Combining a meditative style, features of magical realism and the inexhaustibility of the short story with a polyphonic worldview, the book creates unusual and high-quality prose that highlights specific ambience and characters. Due to the author’s balanced, calm and developed language, spectres rise to the surface. They are different […]
For foreign publishers
House of Languages▸ For foreign publishers For foreign publishers House of Languages as a publishing house is grounded on a deliberate choice to pay attention to those niches, themes and authors which Latvian publishing as a whole does not cover to the extent we wish it did. Our publishing house is open to new linguistic, social, […]
Visiting the festival Dei nynorske festspela in Ørsta, Norway
House of Languages▸About us▸Our projects▸Cooperation and experience exchange…▸ Visiting the festival… Visiting the festival Dei nynorske festspela in Ørsta, Norway At the beginning of June, the representatives of the Language Museum Association, Snorre Karkkonen Svensson and Elīna Kokareviča, together with the representative of the partner organization from Finland, The Swedish Assembly of Finland (Folktinget), Gerd Norrgård, […]
The ideas of the project reach the South Estonians
House of Languages▸About us▸Our projects▸Exhibition on Latgalian and Nynorsk…▸ The ideas of the project… The ideas of the project reach the South Estonians 21.02.2024 On February 20, Snorre Karkkonen Svensson, a board member of the Language Museum Association, who is also the author of the idea of the project Exhibition on Latgalian and Nynorsk: cooperation and […]