Rent our space
House of Languages▸ Rent our space Rent our space Bring your ideas to life in our space! Premises for rent at Avotu iela 33 We are sure that your seminar, meeting, lesson, concert, presentation or other event will feel just like home at our place, Avotu Street 33. What do we offer? a space for about […]
Our projects
House of Languages▸About us▸ Our projects Our projects House of Languages attracts both national and international funding for its projects. Each project is a small step towards our greatest aspirations! Thus far we have completed six projects (here described just some) and are implementing seven more: Expanding and strengthening partnerships in language-related activities for more inclusive […]
About us
House of Languages▸ About us About us We create new opportunities through language. In our everyday work, we explore and teach language in a broad, interdisciplinary way, identifying the political, psychological, and aesthetic importance of language. Our mission: To enact positive change through language. Our values: Openness.Openness to ideas, diversity of people, other viewpoints, specialists from […]
Translation services
Valodu māja▸ Translation services Translation services We, the managers and enthusiasts of House of Languages, wish to empower people creating a better life for themselves and others through language acquisition. This can be done in a number of ways. One of them is through translation services and a concern for the clarity and understandability of the […]
Individual language courses
House of Languages▸Teaching▸ Individual language courses Individual Language Courses House of Languages also offers one-on-one language instruction. Private courses are an excellent opportunity to learn your chosen language quickly and qualitatively. Courses may be taken: In-person: at House of Languages, Avotu iela 33, Riga Distance: using our learning platfom Oratastic, video conferencing via the web (Skype, […]
Language instructors
House of Languages▸Teaching▸ Language instructors Meet our language instructors! We are pleased to offer you an array of languages you can study with any one of our brilliant instructors. We currently offer instruction in English, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish. Choose your next teacher, or we can choose them together! One standard lesson is 45 minutes long. […]
Teaching Principles
Valodu māja▸ Our teaching principles Our teaching principles Like anyone, each of our instructors has their own experience and personality. What is unique must not be confined to narrow frames, and the freedom of each person — including instructors — is important to us. Each student is also unique, so each lesson’s content is tailored specifically […]
Language museum
House of Languages▸ Language Museum Association Language Museum Association Today, a mini-exhibition is put on display at House of Languages as our plans and activities focus on the project future! Society Language Museum Association is a non-governmental organization that brings together enthusiastic specialists and other interested parties from the field who believe that language can precipitate […]
Preparing, translating, and creating visual material for the manuscript of American poet Ryan Dzelzkalns’ poetry collection, Imaginary Geographies
Valodu māja▸Par mums▸Mūsu projekti▸Īstenotie projekti▸ Preparing, translating, and creating visual material… Preparing, translating, and creating visual material for the manuscript of American poet Ryan Dzelzkalns’ poetry collection, Imaginary Geographies Projekta īstenošanu atbalsta: U.S. Embassy Riga (ASV vēstniecība Latvijā) Projekta īstenošanas laiks: 2021. gada 1. jūlijs–2021. gada 31. decembrisProjekta gaitā tika sagatavots un atdzejots amerikāņu-latviešu dzejnieka Raiena […]